[Codeforces 1389F] Bicolored Segments
by zzz
Problem Description
Given 2 * 1e5 ranges with two colors, find maximum ranges that ranges with different color may not overlap.
Solution from the tutorial
Bipartite Match on a special graph
If we consider the relationship of two ranges with different color overlap as an edge and each range as a vertex, the problem is to calculate the maxmium independent set of a special bipartite graph. And
|independent_set| = n - |match|
Here is a greed algorithm to find the max match of this graph.
For each range R sorted by right
, if there are ranges connecting to it, match R with the range with minimal right
To get better implementation, we can sort the range ends as events, and use two sets to maintain the range can be used in the match. Details can be found in code.
Segment Tree + DP
DP states:
dp[i][t] := for type `t`, the max number of chosen ranges with right end == i.
State transformation:
For each range R,
1. dp[R.right][R.t] = max(dp[1..R.left - 1][1 - R.t]) + 1
2. dp[1..R.left - 1][1 - R.t] += 1
Details can be found in code.
tags: Codeforces - Graph - Segment Tree - DP - Special Bipartite MatchPosts
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